July 24, 2023
This blog's topic is Mammatus clouds! Below this introduction, you will find so much to read on mammatus clouds!
These are the sources of my information.
- Met Office (website)
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (website)
- National Geographic Kids: Clouds by Marfé Ferguson Delano
The mammatus cloud type looks like hazy, bubbly clouds hanging from the bottom of a storm cloud called a cumulonimbus anvil. Mammatus clouds usually will form after the worst part of a storm type has passed.
The name for the cloud mammatus comes from the Latin word: "Mamma" which would translate to "udder", or another example "breast", since mammatus come on the underside of the cloud.
I read the book Clouds which had a tiny part about mammatus. All it talked about was the bubble shape of the cloud. It never even once said mammatus!
Have you ever seen mammatus clouds? I have. If you have seen them what did you think when you saw them? I thought they looked hazy. It hurt my eyes to look at them.
And a final thank you to Mrs. Liz for coming up with this topic.
1 comment
Great job, Graham! I’m glad to learn that mammatus show up after the worst of the storm has passed! I think they look super cool! Thanks for teaching me something new!